Ready For An Unforgettable Experience?

Travel Insurance

At Miami Sailing School, we prioritize your safety during our live-aboard cruising courses. Despite our best efforts, unforeseen events such as accidents, illnesses, flight delays, and family emergencies can still disrupt your plans and bring about unforeseen costs.


Protect Your Investment

To safeguard your educational investment, we strongly recommend purchasing travel insurance. Depending on the policy you select, travel insurance can cover:

– Trip cancellations, interruptions, or delays
– Missed or delayed flights to any of our locations
– Emergency medical treatment or evacuation
– Lost or damaged luggage or travel documents
– Delayed luggage
– And more…


How to Get Travel Insurance

Contact your insurance agent to inquire about travel insurance plans. If your regular insurance provider doesn’t offer this coverage, you can still secure a plan through specialized services from other companies.


Based on our experience with various insurers, we highly recommend TravelGuard from AIG. They offer a range of plans at competitive rates with optional add-ons to customize your coverage according to your needs.


Discover the TravelGuard plans available in your area

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